Astrology - knowledge society

 Knowledge of important natural cycles, knowledge of mathematics needed to describe them and to create a functional calendar, from the earliest beginnings of human civilization, it is a necessary condition for the achievement of most of the important goals of organized human communities.

Connoisseurs of mathematics and astronomy at the dawn of civilization were rare, and their knowledge is so valuable, that their services could only afford the most powerful rulers, thus extending their influence domain and literally rule over time.

Never to be wrong at the time of sowing and reaping, wrongly chosen time to sail the sea, often could mean not only ruin the journey, but the loss of the vessel, including the crew. Also important for the activity of warfare, there were more favorable and less favorable periods.

Considering that the rulers possessed unlimited power, their scientific advisers were maximally motivated to improve their knowledge. Serious errors often paid out of his head. Of the main issues related to agriculture which matched the clear and simple answers gradually came to much more complex important issues, which are followed properly, equally complex answers.

In all known civilizations, widely separated in time and space, created to meet very similar needs, was born in astrology, specific to each particular tradition and at the same time fascinating universal in its unique stronghold for the whole humankind.

A huge part of the human population, more or less, always and everywhere, is willing to pay attention to astrological predictions, and even isolated from all other possible natural elements, this fact by itself induce indisputable sociological effect that becomes even stronger. Similarly, as for example, voodoo magic achieved confirmed the influence of those who sincerely believe in its power. The share of those who attach importance to a significant extent, astrology is far greater than the impact of voodoo and they never and nowhere represented a marginal group, and is proportional to the number and the resulting effect is far greater, and certainly not negligible even in those segments of society that vigorously and actively distance themselves from any consideration of astrology.

From the moment when, as a result of social laws, establishing the feedback, irrevocably changed the very essence of astrology, modulating its primary mathematically defined based on the function of each of the prevailing environment of civilization.